Skippy Snable

Skippy Snable
Skippy Snable 6 weeks old

Friday, October 21, 2011

My Trip To Ventura, California

I visited Ventura, California where Zack and Andrea live, in the beginning of September.  I had a great time visiting with Belle and one day we went to the beach to fish for surf perch and sharks.

 Andrea, Mom, and Zack are with Belle and me before we started fishing.  I'd never been fishing before and I was really excited. 

I really liked the beach... I might become a La Conchita Beach Boy

There were lots of Sand Crabs.  They crawl around in the surf, but they didn't look very good to eat.

Andrea and Zack caught lots of Surf Perch.  This one looked pretty good, but I wanted to wait for another one.  We didn't catch any sharks that day, but the next day we caught one Thornback Shark and one Shovelnose Guitarfish (  

This Surf Perch looked delicious and Andrea had to keep me away.  Looks like my regular dog food tonight, too bad...

I had a GREAT trip!